Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Change of Character

It took something very sad for me to realize this.

Being away from home, it's hard sometimes. I don't have my mom, my friends, my dogs. Even though my school is very loving, I still feel alone a lot. We all go to the same church and at that church we have families that sort of take care of us in a way. We call them our adopted families. My family is the best. I got a sister, two brothers, and another brother on the way. I love them so so much. I mean I get so excited whenever I see them. they are all younger then me five years and more. Brennan the oldest is so sweet. Always looking to give me a hug and wrestle a little. Melody the middle is absolutely precious. She makes me smile every time I see her. And JT the youngest is nutts, but so cute. He always asks about me and then pretends to not have done so when I see him. Mama Tina has been a light in my life. Always looking to give a hug. She the kind of person that asks "how are you" and then says to tell the truth when you say fine. She saves me a seat every Sunday and always makes sure that I don't need anything. The kind of mom that everyone sectretly wants.

Let me take a minute to say that even though Tina is super mom, does not mean I would trade my mom in for her. I love my mom with ever fiber of my being. She gave birth to me, raised me, and supports me no matter how ridiculous my plan is. She is the light in my world that would be the death of me if it ever went out.

Anyway, and Papa Dave teaches me stuff that a dad should, like electricity and building stuff. The kind of stuff my favorite uncle teaches me when I visit him and my aunt.

I know this all sound like very happy stuff. I mean I got a whole new family when I went to college, who gets that? The thing is that they are leaving our church. Dave needs a new job and is going to preach at a different one. Its a great opportunity for them and I am very excited for them, but I have one problem. One of the biggest fears in my life is that everyone close to me is going to leave me. My mindset is that nothing lasts forever especially relationships. And now they're leaving. I won't see them very often, in fact barely at all. When Tina told, I kept it together as long as I could, responding with a fake smile, nods and ahuhs. When she left though, I broke. Every thought of abandonment that I knew would occur, flooded into my head faster then I could understand what just happened. It seems like such a small thing, and it is, but it isn't at the same time. Not to me at least. I was hurt and confused and proven right once again. Then William came over. He had been in the room when I received the news. He said words that he doesn't even know how they affected me. I won't leave you. Four pretty insignificant words until put together in that order. Four worlds that woke me up every hour last night. He doesn't even know how much I want to believe them. I really do and I know all I have to do is choose to believe but sometimes the choice is harder to make then some think. It just isn't as simply to some. But those four words penetrated me in a way the got me thinking. Maybe just maybe not everyone will leave. Maybe there are few people in my life right now that will still be in my life when I am 98. If I live that long. So maybe everything really will be okay....